(Process)01: 216cc Architecture
216cc architecture is the result of an exercise in analyzing architecture where 2nd bachelor architecture students create a traveling group exhibition. Per project three small models (with a maximum volume of 216 cubic centimeters) are made and collected in one protecting poplar wood showcase/box. The exhibition is presented and discussed in and outside the university to bring out our knowledge and bring in external reflection.
(Process)02: Tactics
The research seminar TACTICS (master (interior) architecture UHasselt Fac-ARK) investigates the exact and strategic use of drawings and models for the discovery of possibilities within the creation of architecture through the transformation and presentation of a project by creation of images and scale models. In 2015 we cooperated with Pierre Hebbelinck and presented the results of our explorations in an exhibition at his atelier.
(Process)00: envisioning the design proces
A research project about 'Envisioning the architectural design process'. To create a graphical scheme that can act as a tool to facilitate a reflection on the architectural design process? Presented at EAAE 2011, TUDelft (pdf)
Coming soon.
(Process)03: Sketch Atlas
Together with my 'drawing' collegues at Hasselt University, faculty of Architecture and Arts, we developed the SKETCH ATLAS, a video based learning platform for teaching and learning Architectural Freehand Drawing. For more info see: https://sketchatlas.org/